Monday, June 26, 2006


George Adrian Wilson was born in Virginia, as stated, and was brought in his mother's arms to Alabama, where he grew up to young manhood in the old Alabama home. His early education was under the supervision of his father, who taught school many years in the early history of the family. He read medicine under Dr. Bonner, of Tennessee, and attended medical lectures in Transylvania University, Ky., and commenced the practice of medicine when about twenty-four years of age. He soon established an enviable reputation as a physician, and was greatly beloved as a physician and a Christian gentleman. To know him was to love him; and if he ever had an enemy in or out of the profession, I never heard of it; gentle, kind, compassionate, he was always ready to go to the relief of suffering humanity. Physically, he was a delicate, feeble man, and in the latter years of his life, suffered much from indigestion, and all of its attendant ills, aches and pains. He was ordained an elder in the Presbyterian Church Chulahoma, Miss., early in life, and made an excellent and useful officer in the church during life. He was married to Miss Mary Monroe Hardin, of Marshall county, Miss., an educated, Christian lady. The fruits of this marriage were five children, three of whom became heads of families. George, a young man of uncommon promise, died while attending the University of Mississippi, from an injury received while exercising in the gymnasium. The writer was with him the last days of his life, and can testify to his bright profession of religion and his triumphant Christian death. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."

George was a remarkably handsome young man of fine mind, and was making fine progress in all of his studies, and stood well in his classes. His father never recovered from the shock of this sudden and untimely death. He bore it with remarkable Christian fortitude, and submitted to his Father's rod; like David, he was dumb, he opened not his mouth, because "Thou didst it." But the shock had its effect upon his frail constitution, and his delicate, nervous system began to fail, and in a few years, the Christian physician, the consecrated elder, in the house of God, the poor man's friend, the indulgent, faithful father, was called from labor to refreshment.

Mary Eliza, the first born of Dr. G. A. and Mary Wilson, developed into a handsome, domestic young woman, and was a great comfort to her father, after the death of his faithful wife. She was the housekeeper for several years, managed and cared for the younger children with a mother's tenderness and faithfulness. I never saw another daughter fill a mother's place in the family so completely, faithfully and cheerfully. She was a model young woman, a devout Christian. She was married to William T. Richmond, of Marshall county, Miss. Three children were born to them— Joseph Monroe, Mary Hardin, and Sallie Elizabeth. In a short while after the mother dies; the father marries again and moves to Texas, where these children have grown up to manhood and womanhood.

Monroe is a promising young surgeon and physician, a graduate of Medical Department of Tulane University of New Orleans, and is practicing his profession in the "Lone Star State," at El Paso.

Mary Hardin, the oldest daughter, married a Mr. Fristoe, of Edna, Texas, where she now lives, and is raising up an interesting family about her; but Sallie Elizabeth has never married, but is one of the loveliest characters, the sweetest disposition, a perfect counterpart, I am told, of her sainted mother. Her history has been remarkably successful as a music and literary teacher. She started out from home at Edna, Texas, as a teacher when but eighteen years old, and has taught in Austin, El Paso and other points in the State, and has accumulated a neat little competency in real estate in El Paso, where she now is teaching music, and making herself useful in Sabbath-school teaching.

The second of Dr. George A. Wilson, Joseph James, was a remarkable child from his birth. He had an unusually large and singularly shaped head, that attracted attention in his childhood, and even in after years, and as he grew older, it was discovered that in his disposition he was markedly different from children of his age, while they were amusing themselves in their childish sports, the grave, quiet Joe would be listening attentively to a conversation between older persons, and he soon received the sobriquet, "The old man," and now and then some one would prophesy that he was the coming preacher of the family. These singular precocious traits really indicated the coming man, and the boy grew into the sober, calculating, hardworking student, eager to fill his mind with useful knowledge, and at the age of twenty he had obtained a pretty thorough English and classical education. he chose medicine instead of the pulpit, and under his father's guidance and instruction was soon ready for college, and in due time graduated in medicine and surgery.

Dr. J. J. Wilson has diplomas from two of the first-class medical colleges of this country. He is local surgeon for one of the great railroad systems, "The Illinois Central," and in his county and State stands in the front rank of his profession.

At the age of thirty-four he was married to Miss Lucy Yancey, daughter of Thomas Yancey, of Senatobia, Miss., a Christian lady of rare beauty, culture and refinement. The family now consists of four promising, handsome children—George LeRoy, Joseph James, Rosa May, and Thomas Webber. George and Joseph are at college preparing for usefulness, and bid fair to take a high position in the professions they have chosen. George is fitting himself for usefulness in "Dental Surgery," and Joe to take his father's place in the practice of medicine and surgery, at Tulane Medical College. This is a model Christian family, and one of the happiest I have ever known. Rosa May, the darling of the household, a beautiful, promising girl, is in college preparing for usefulness. All are members of the church; the father a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church.

Thomas Benjamin, the youngest of Dr. George A. Wilson's family, was born in Marshall county, Miss., and received a thorough academic education in the high school at Coldwater, Tate county, Miss. He chose pharmacy for his profession, and is, and has been in the drug business all his life. When quite young he was married to Miss Maggie Cameron, the daughter of a distinguished Methodist divine, who for several years was stationed in the northern portion of the State. Miss Maggie was an educated, beautiful and attractive woman, a good wife, and mother. The young couple have four children, two boys and two girls, which I hope they are training for usefulness and heaven. They live in the city of Corinth, Miss.


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